Christine Lafforgue
Congress President
Associate Professor in Dermo pharmacology & Cosmetology – University of Paris Saclay
Internationally recognized for her expertise in the field of interaction skin/product, Dr Christine Lafforgue began her career at the faculty of pharmacy in Lyon with Professor Jean Cotte before integrating the University of Paris Saclay with Professor Jean-Paul Marty.
As a member of GERDA (Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherche en Dermato Allergologie) which studies cases of allergies related to cosmetics, Christine assures the link between dermatologists and the cosmetic industry.
She also participates in the worldwide learning program of the IFSCC.
Her commitment to the industry is clearly demonstrated by her tireless implication in the Société Française de Cosmétologie of which she was President from 2018 to 2021.
As Honorary President of the SFC, she was elected by the Board to be the President of the 2025 Congress in Cannes.