Submission Guidelines
18th October 2024: Opening of the abstract submission platform
15th January 2025: Closing of the abstract submission platform
(Authors will be informed in March if their abstract is accepted)
3rd April 2025: Opening full paper submission platform
29th April 2025: Full paper Submission platform closing
Submission Conditions
Please kindly find below the main elements of abstract submission guidelines. Full submission guidelines are available during the submission process. By submitting an abstract for an oral communication or a poster presentation, the author automatically agrees to the submission guidelines indicated on the submission website; these include the following:
- Your abstract submission type and topic may be changed following the scientific committee’s recommendations
- The author automatically gives the right to the IFSCC Congress organizers to use the content of the oral communication or the poster for educational purposes
- Registration to attend the congress is mandatory
- Please ensure that your work has not be previously published and the author declares the novelty of the study
- Any work that is related to animal testing will be disqualified
- Any mentioning of commercial names is prohibited
- The author agrees to be published in the IFSCC Magazine if selected.
- Abstracts should not be submitted to this conference if you do not agree with the specific terms and conditions outlined above and within the submission process
During the abstract submission, you will be asked to select the type of research, the relevant topic as well as the type of presentation that you like to choose:
Type of Research:
- Basic Research
- Applied Research
Topic Selection:
- Analytical technologies
- Exposome/ stress
- Fragrance
- Hair
- Human & environmental safety
- Make up
- Melanogenesis/pigmentation
- Microbiome
- Neuro/ Scensory science/ emotions
- Personnalisation/ beauty tech
- Photoprotection
- Well aging/ longevity
Abstract structure / word count:
The abstract may not exceed a total of 2500 characters (spaces included).
- Introduction (500 characters)
- Material and Methods (500 characters)
- Results (750 characters)
- Discussion & Conclusion (750 characters)
Type of Presentation :
- Oral Communication (Podium)
- Poster Presentation (Paper)
Should you have any question please contact the IFSCC Congress 2025 (Christine Hessler: )