In this workshop we will outline the importance of publishing cosmetic science research in peer-reviewed and reputable scientific journals. As a scientific community we publish our work to share important findings with our colleagues, contribute to advancements in specific areas of personal care and potentially influence future research directions in the field. In the first talk of this session Dr. Majella Lane (Editor-In-Chief, IJCS) will identify examples of papers that did not make it through the peer-review and final publication process. Issues that prevent publication of research include, for example, not paying attention to the aims and scope of the journal or reporting studies that utilize animals. Dr. Yanling Zhang (Certara, UK) will discuss the publication process from the perspective of early career researchers, highlighting how young scientists can translate their laboratory findings to high impact published outputs. Finally, Professor David Moore (University of Edinburgh, formerly Unilever, Ashland, Glaxo Smith Kline) will speak about the importance of publishing while working in industry, give examples of studies he has published and give advice about areas to avoid if seeking to publish research findings e.g. use of brand names, overly commercial papers, lack of novelty etc.